How to determine the transaction sequence in NEAR

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Resolved

Proxy Contract Feasibility

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

Deployment Clarification

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Resolved

Query about running a NEAR- Cli command

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

How to update an entry in persistent vector

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

Error while trying to mint NFT on testnet using PRE-DEPLOYED Contract

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Resolved

Typical issues transferring NEAR to Binance - 01-14-2022

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

Batch jsonrpc requests not possible?

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

Node reached the limit

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Resolved

Smart contract Clarification 2022-01-14

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Resolved

Anyway to use etherscan fork instead of blockscout

🛠 │ dev-support

status - Unresolved

    Is there public websockets RPC?

    🛠 │ dev-support

    status - Unresolved

      Typical wallet login issues with ledger - 01-14-2022

      🛠 │ dev-support

      status - Unresolved

      How to remove NFT from the account?

      🛠 │ dev-support

      status - Unresolved

      Help to solve the formatting issue in zero to hero nft examples

      🛠 │ dev-support

      status - Unresolved

      Is it right to use standard rand library for rust to generate random number

      🛠 │ dev-support

      status - Unresolved

        How to decode base64 encoding?

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        (near-sdk-rs: 4.0.0) Shift in the serialization of accountID

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        How to burn tokens in NEAR

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        calling a method from deployed smart contract

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Resolved

        Lost wallet secret phrase [14/01/2022] dev support

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        Error when deploy a contract

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        list of methods in NEAR contract

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Resolved

        Question regarding running a private shard in NEAR posted on stackoverflow

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

        Counter example error while running in Assemblyscript

        🛠 │ dev-support

        status - Unresolved

          How to sign a message in NEAR?

          🛠 │ dev-support

          status - Unresolved

            Need Rust example that use 'DateTime', 'chrono' to compare time

            🛠 │ dev-support

            status - Unresolved

              Using `random_seed()` okay for 50/50 probability?

              🛠 │ dev-support

              status - Unresolved

                How to burn a token and currency in NEAR?

                🛠 │ dev-support

                status - Unresolved

                smartcontract Issues with the use of u128.add(a, b) function

                🛠 │ dev-support

                status - Unresolved

                General queries about Smartcontract, NFT and API

                🛠 │ dev-support

                status - Unresolved

                  What's the best approach for time measurment inside contracts using `near-sdk-rs`

                  🛠 │ dev-support

                  status - Unresolved

                  Looking docs to develope smartcontract with NFT collection

                  🛠 │ dev-support

                  status - Unresolved

                  Which documentation is more available AssemblyScript or Rust?

                  🛠 │ dev-support

                  status - Unresolved

                  How to start a node with a pre-defined node key?

                  🛠 │ dev-support

                  status - Unresolved

                    wasm execution failed with error "method not found"

                    🛠 │ dev-support

                    status - Unresolved

                    Any dev site for paras?

                    🛠 │ dev-support

                    status - Unresolved

                    Near based on solona?

                    🛠 │ dev-support

                    status - Unresolved
